
The Most Complete Bariatric Vitamin

Bari Liquid Force is a revolutionary new Bariatric Vitamin.

Liquid filled capsules dissolve quickly and start working in 3 minutes or less.

- Easy to swallow

- No aftertaste

- Zero calories

- No dumping

All of the nutritionist recommended vitamins, super fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy - enabling you to reach your weight loss goals quickly and safely.

Alarming Research Results

Research has shown that only 10% to 25% of the nutrients inside normal vitamins (the ones you are probably taking) are getting absorbed into your body.

And after you have had any kind of bariatric surgery - it gets much worse!

    Simply put– over the counter multivitamins are almost impossible for your new and improved stomach to break down. They simply “pass through” your stomach and into your intestines where they provide no benefit. 

Introducing Bari Liquid Force Bariatric Liquid Force delivers vital nutrients to your body in a liquid capsule.

Within 3 minutes of ingestion 98% of the recommended vitamins, antioxidants, and proprietary blend of 29 Essential Nutrients AND 42 Super Fruits and vegetables get absorbed into your body!

You will be amazed how great you can feel when you give your body the fuel it needs.

    No More Handfuls of Smelly Tablets to Choke Down
  No one likes to take multivitamins because of the smell, size and number of tablets you are supposed to take. 

With Bariatric Liquid Force, just 2 small liquid filled capsules are all you need per day. 

No Unwanted Calories
  Gummies and Melts use sugar to mask the taste of their products. Why take products filled with extra calories when your goal is to lose weight quickly and safely?  


Rapid Absorption

Liquid Filled Capsules absorb quickly. Can be taken with our without food


Prevent Hair Loss

Hair Loss is common after weight loss surgery.  Bari Liquid Force has been shown to stop and reverse hair loss


Essential Vitamins

Just 2 Capsules per day provides our proprietary blend of 29 Essential Nutrients, Anti Oxidants AND 42 Super Fruits and vegetables


I've had years of vitamin deficiencies. Been taking these for 3 weeks and just got my blood work done.

For the first time I can remember, all my results were in normal range! It was great to be able to see the difference on paper.

My wife's doctor recommended these, they seem to be doing their job.

Best ones for Bariatric patients post op. I am 3.5 years out and still take them!

I have been taking these for almost 2 years now and they work great I had roux-en-y 16 years ago n wasn’t absorbing regular vitamins and these are great!

No upset stomach or anything!!!

As a gastric bypass patient, this vitamin has worked wonders! At the checkups, all the vitamin levels, except vitamin D, are normal. I attribute most of that to this vitamins.

 I'll take them forever🙂

My other pills made me want to throw up, have bad smelling urine, and have a bad taste in my mouth.

 I tried these and never again did I feel nauseous when taking them, urine good, and I never had any bad side effects. 

I’m never buying anything else again.

I had a VBG in 2000..I had trouble many years being unable to absorb my nutrients for my body..my hair was falling out..my teeth..till I bought these. 

These are the best ones I have taken..my blood work has came back great for the last 4 years and I was able to stop my weekly b12 injections..highly recommended.

I'm 19mo out from gastric bypass and have slacked on my vitamins because I couldn't stand the massive chewable tablets.

I've been feeling like trash and knew I needed to find something quick. I didn't have much faith that these, among all the other junk I've tried, would actually help me feel like I'm not running on all cylinders.

 Let me tell you what...just a few hours after taking my first 2 capsules I felt like my batteries were fresh and new! 

This is some great stuff and I'll keep taking it as long as you keep making it!

Get a Free Bottle Today!

To show you how powerful and easy to take our Bariatric Liquid Force Multivitamin is - we are offering a free bottle!

Click the Button to Get Yours.

Best Bariatric Vitamin

About Us

Allotro Labs is a privately owned, family business headquartered in the heartland of the United States.

While we create and manufacturers cutting edge health supplements for all stages of life, our specialty and emphasis is in the areas of pain relief; bariatric support; and complex multi variant formulations.

    All of our products are made in the United States and FDA Registered and inspected facility and according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Guidelines. 

Proud members of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)

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LEGAL DISCLAIMER Please consult your physician before implementing any new diet, exercise and dietary supplement programs, especially if you have preexisting medical conditions or are taking prescribed medications. The statements made on this website are for educational purposes only and are not meant to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare provider.
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